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Lisa Lareida
dancer maker from Bern
I live from and for movement. Getting to the bottom of it fascinates me every day. Through my training, my commitments and my teaching activities, I bring with me a broad and interconnected knowledge. I am fascinated by analyzing the body and movement and their interplay in a holistic and sustainable way, and I am constantly learning. I encounter dance in all its diversity as a dance teacher, performer, researcher and maker.

Education & Diplomas
MASTER DANCE Teaching & Coaching Dance Professionals
MASTER OF SIENCE Neuroorthopeadics
University of Donau Krems
Certificate ISP Steps on Broadway
New York
Diploma Dance Teacher
EFZ Orthopedist
Workshops and more
OBOC Contertechnique
Amsterdam 2021, 2022
Slings Myofascial training
Art of Motion
Gait analysis
Gehen Verstehen
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